University of Pittsburgh— PhD student in Theatre and Performance Studies
August 2019 - PRESENT
Auburn University — MA English
August 2017 - May 2019
University of Central Arkansas — BA English
August 2013 - May 2017
Graduated summa cum laude with a concentration in secondary English education. Awarded an Arkansas Educator’s License for secondary English education.
Arts Engagement
Education Outreach Intern for the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, spring 2021.
Production Dramaturg​ ​for UPitt Stages production of Carly Mensch’s Oblivion, fall 2020.
Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre Dramaturgical/ Outreach Intern​, summer of 2016.
​Teaching Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant — Enjoying Performances, University of Pittsburgh
Spring 2020
Assisting with instruction in a course that introduces students to performance studies scholarship
and encourages their own understanding of both staged and popular performances.
Teacher of Record — Introduction to Performance, University of Pittsburgh
Fall 2019, Fall 2021
Facilitated courses on the Stanislavski method for majors and nonmajors. Primary focus was on
empowering student confidence and facilitating collaboration among all artists.
Graduate Teaching Assistant — Introduction to Theatre, Auburn University
Fall 2018 - 2019
Assisted with facilitating a service learning theatre course centered on community volunteer work and social activism.
Teacher of Record — Composition I and II, Auburn University
August 2017 - 2019
Engaging with students to foster their voice and understanding of effective rhetoric and critical thinking - including an emphasis on performance and identity.
Graduate Teaching Assistant — American Literature I and II
Fall 2017 - Spring 2018
Academic Service
Served as Master’s Co-Chair for the English Graduate Association with an emphasis in professional programing. Previously organized panels include PhD Application Panel, Alt-Ac Careers, and Women in Academia Panel.
Active member of the following English Graduate Association subcommittees:
Fundraising, Latinx Heritage Month, Composition Diversity
Served as Assistant to the Director of Graduate Studies in the spring of 2018.
Assisted in planning the Southeastern Liberal Arts Research Conference, a regional conference hosted by the Auburn University English Graduate Association, in 2018 and 2019.
Served as leadership staff at Arkansas Governor’s School, a college preparatory and critical inquiry driven summer program for rising high school seniors in 2017 and 2018.
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association — April 2019
Presenting “‘At any given Before moment’: Post-Apocalyptic Trauma and the Collective Memory in Washburn’s Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play” for the panel “Disasters, Apocalypses, and Catastrophes.”
Theatre Symposium, Southeastern Theatre Conference, Inc — April 2019
Presenting "Being On Display and In Display: The Tactical Negotiation of Agency and Citizenship by Performing 'Prisoner'."
Northeast Modern Language Association — April 2018
Presented “‘We Was Girls Together’”: Unity and Sisterhood as an Avenue for Resistance in Morrison’s Sula” for the panel “‘Nevertheless they persisted’: The Aesthetics of Resistance.”
Professional Affiliations
American Society for Theatre Research.
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association.
Northeastern Modern Language Association.
Sigma Tau Delta, English Honor Society.